Sensory-driven Leadership Development Consulting Firm

Unleash the power of your senses in leadership with managementfriends, a formal consulting firm offering unique leadership development services centered around sensory experiences.

Services we provide

Sensory Leadership Reflection for Executives

Our Executive Management Intervention service offers a formal and comprehensive leadership reflection experience that engages all senses for transformative results.

Sensory Transformation: Unleashing Organizational Potential

Our organizational intervention service offers a formal transformational vernissage, engaging the senses to explore change and new topics.

Transformative Digital Learning Nuggets: Personalized Narratives

Our customized transformational narrative service delivers concise digital learning nuggets that can be absorbed in just 180 seconds.

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Our service is a highly professional and sophisticated solution that caters to the needs of discerning individuals seeking top-notch assistance.

Enhancing Leadership through Sensory Engagement

Client: XYZ Corporation Challenge: XYZ Corporation was facing stagnation and a lack of innovation within their organization. Solution: managementfriends conducted a series of Leadership Evening Interventions, empowering XYZ Corporation’s leaders to tap into their senses and drive transformative change. Result: Through our unique approach, XYZ Corporation experienced a significant business transformation, fostering a culture of innovation and achieving substantial growth.

Enhancing Leadership through Sensory Engagement

Discover how we transformed Stellar Shoes’ digital presence, overhauling their website and e-commerce platform, leading to a significant increase in site traffic and a 70% rise in online sales.

Transforming Leaders Through Sensory Experiences

Client: XYZ Corporation Problem: XYZ Corporation was facing stagnant growth and lacked innovative ideas to drive business transformation. Solution: managementfriends conducted a “Your Topic-of-Interest-Vernissage” event to stimulate creativity and foster a culture of innovation among XYZ Corporation’s leadership team. Results: The Leadership Evening Interventions organized by managementfriends helped XYZ Corporation uncover new business opportunities, resulting in a 20% increase in revenue and a renewed competitive edge in the market.

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Our clients
Wilenstrasse 152
8832 Wilen bei Wollerau